Trail News​
Apr - Dec 2019
Inside this issue:
LRRETA launches the Pilot Point Mounted Posse under the direction of The Pilot Point Police; LRRETA supports CTETA's Annual Camp Clinic; Volunteers who can wield a chain saw or drive the UTV - go to the Stihl Online School
Jan - Mar 2019
Inside this issue:
LRRETA's leaders (Linda Moore & Carol Nichols) are recognized by the Pilot Point Chamber of Commerce; The online reservations for Texas State Parks System is now Active: Read about Parade Preparation and Safety by Tracy Matern; Eddie Rodriguez of True Horsemanship Seminars hosted a Self-Defense and Urban Desensitization Clinic on March 30th; and enjoy the pic's from the LRRETA Christmas Party; ; the Annual LRRETA Board Meeting held on Feb. 9th at Rancho De La Roca; Dealing with ticks on your horses and health related issues: and about Stable Tips.
Read about Equine Vaccines and the Lone Star Trail Building School
July - Dec 2018
Inside this issue:
LRRETA Membership Drive at D&L, Sanger; Building Better Trails starts with learning at the Lone Star Trail Building School; LRRETA now has a new storage container; LRRETA hosts their annual Christmas party at Isle Du Bois on Sunday, Dec. 9th. Update on Fannin County Equestrian Trails Ass'n.; and CTETA hosts their Fall Camp Clinic: Camping, Horses, Trailers and Cooking.
Noah Grimes, DVM provides insight on EPM.
April - June 2018
Inside this issue:
TPWD Rangers, Amanda Parsons and Ben Fluery with LRRETA volunteers, Averie Moore and Linda Moore gathering wild flower seeds at Lake Ray Roberts.
Grant update.
2018 LRRETA Annual Meeting at Rancho de la Roca
New volunteer opportunities
January - March 2018
Inside this issue:
TRAIL UPDATE: Water boggy crossing on FM428. DO NOT CROSS!
Greenbelt Alliance of Denton County, Stewards of our region's national treasure in Denton County, Texas.
Obstacle Clinic held in March. Pictures and results.
September - December 2017
Inside this issue:
Texas Parks & Wildlife Recreational Trails Grant - updates
Online UTV and Chain Saw Safety Training Course for trail work!
Trailer hauling, Safety tips and other useful information
June 2017
A huge shout out to Neubauer Manufacturing for the quality design and construction of our covered pens, to Damon Brown Welding for completing the roofs AND to the loyal volunteers, without whose hard work, these beautiful covered pens could not have happened.
Inside the issue: 2017 Recreational Trails Grant information.
March 2017
The equestrian contingent of the Lone Star Trail Building School. Front row: Vicki Fraser, Carol Nichols, Linda Moore. Back from left: Tracy Matern, Michelle Ellis, Mary Apple, Brigitte Caperton, Chuck Manning, Janis Janes (TETRA) and Barbara McKnight (TETRA).
Inside the issue: LRRETA Partners with NCTC for ETS Event
Lone Star Trail Building School.
October 2016
Outgoing LRRETA President Carol Nichols, Treasurer Tim Beaty, 2016-2017 President Linda Moore and Tracy Matern. Thanks for “taking the lead,” Linda!
Inside the issue: September Field Obstacle and Trail Challenge Results!
April 2016
Lake Ray Roberts Equestrian Trail Association and Cross Timbers Equestrian Association
joining forces!
Inside the issue: Read more about the Geocaching and Equicaching Workshop to take place on May 7th. Join us for some wilderness fun!
January 2016
Bridge to restore the equestrian trail in process!
2015 Greenfest was a success!
September 2015
Bridge to restore the equestrian trail in process!
2015 Greenfest was a success!
May 2015
Latest news on the progress of the bridge. It's starting to become a reality!
Deb Trot, Kay Neubauer and Carol Nichols holding approved grant contract. Next step is for the Corp and the Park to approve!
January 2015
Latest news on the progress of the bridge!!!!
and much more information!
January 2014
Read about who we are and what we do.
The latest news on the bridge project and the upcoming rides we have planned.
Join us. Fun is guaranteed!